We’re partnering to better understand the biology of trauma, which can unlock more effective interventions and inform how we approach prevention.

ACE Resource Network has partnered with the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard to launch the Biology of Trauma Initiative (BTI). BTI seeks to understand the mechanisms by which trauma, occurring over the life course, but especially in childhood, “gets under the skin” of patients and shapes how they think, feel, and behave, often for the remainder of their lives.
Launched in July 2022, BTI is led by Dr. Karestan Koenen, an international leader in the field of trauma research, associate member at the Broad, professor of psychiatric epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and ACE Resource Network advisor.

BTI is currently engaged in a four-year exploratory and foundation-building period – convening a community of multidisciplinary scientific leaders, initiating large-scale genetic analysis to lead new lines of biological inquiry, and building a plan for a long-term, transformative scientific effort.
We look forward to sharing progress of this work as it develops, so that together we can raise awareness of the biological impacts of trauma, build capacity in the field, and effect positive change for people and communities.
For more on the Biology of Trauma Initiative, contact Executive Director Sarah Marikos at [email protected].

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