Our values reflect principles that guide our approach, informed by what we have learned from those we respect and admire.

We recognize that considerable work has gone into understanding and addressing the impacts of childhood experiences, including ACEs, other adversities, and toxic stress. We continue to listen to and learn from a cross section of the wisest people working in the field today, as well as the people and communities most affected.

1. Break the cycle.

We support actions and programs that disrupt the passage of ACEs and adversity from one generation to the next – and focus our efforts on communities and populations most in need of this support.

2. Work collaboratively.

The only way to address a challenge of this magnitude is to work together, preventing and addressing ACEs, childhood adversity, and toxic stress, upstream and downstream, in all the places they reside. Partnership – at community, regional, and national levels – is essential to us. We are anti-archipelagos.

3. Do no harm.

We embrace a trauma-informed approach, caring for both individual and community well-being through our interactions and our decision-making.

4. Illuminate the science.

Trust is of paramount importance. We reference the most trusted, validated information and partners. We work to help make essential scientific concepts and findings easy to access and understand by the communities we serve.

5. Empower people with ACEs.

We amplify a message that no matter what we experienced in childhood, we can take steps toward our care, our growth, and our healing and recovery- that together, we can change our lives and legacies.

6. Value lived experience and personal stories.

Everyone has a story, and we value each individual’s experience and journey. We respect the wisdom in every human being, along with the invaluable wisdom of communities and cultures.

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